A/Prof Diego Mejía-Lemos LLM PhD, Distinguished Research Associate Professor within the framework of Xi’an Jiaotong University’s ‘Young Talent Support Plan’, presented his work at the Fourth International Conference of the Transatlantic Marine Environment Research Network (TRAMEREN) on ‘Enhancing Climate Action Beyond the State’, held on Wednesday, 1st June 2022, held in Copenhagen, Denmark (IV TRAMEREN Conference). The IV TRAMEREN Conference was jointly organised by the institutions which make up the TRAMEREN, namely the Centre for International Law and Governance, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, and the Frank Guarini Centre, New York University School of Law. A/Prof Mejía-Lemos was selected to present his work following a highly competitive selection process.
A/Prof Mejía-Lemos’s presentation, entitled ‘Investor-State Dispute Settlement as Suitable Venue for Climate Change Strategic Litigation’, examined the suitability of investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) for conducting strategic climate change litigation. The presentation raised the most number of questions from among members of the audience, leading to a very lively interaction with interested event participants towards the end of the panel.